Information related to the Bridges Training:
Friday, April 14th 6:00pm-approx 8:30pm EST
Saturday, April 15th 10:00pm-approx 2:00 pm EST;
Location: Stuart Heights Baptist Church 1505 Clover Dale Dr. Hixson Pke, Chatt 373430
Planning to add a Mental Health Session from 2:10- approx 3:30 pm EST
Optional Ministry project: bring items for homeless/blessing bags (travel size lotion, toothpaste, sanitizer, deodorant, etc; floss, granola bars, chap stick, tuna/cracker packs, trail mix, soap, bottled water, first-aid kits, gum/mints, raisins, anti-bacterial wipes, peanuts
No Cost but donations accepted at the conference or mailed to Patti Mallet (Association SWC.WMU Treasurer - 1056 Hurst St, East Ridge, TN 37412)
Registration Form
Registration Form

Book Cost
Bring the book, Bridges Out of Poverty (5th Edition) or purchase a book from Cynthia Brown, Site Coordinator (text 423.593.7800) for $ 23.50
Becky (Presenter) can order the books and have them shipped to me for $23:50 a book. They are $30 on Amazon. However, I would have to collect the money. Payment needed in advance. It would be made to HCBA/ SWC Transformation Place and sent to our Associational Treasurer - Patti Mallet 1056 Hurst St. East Ridge TN 37412 - Need deadline to be by March 20th to order the book. Looking for an on-line method and will follow up with additional information via website, if available. I can also meet and pick up a check for multiple people if a church/individual will collect. Can contact me via text at 423.593.7800
From the presenter - Rebekah Sumrall
As I served as the Site Coordinator/Executive Director of a Christian Women’s/Men’s Job Corp (Begin Anew), I was first introduced to Bridges as I read the book, What Every Church Member Should Know About Poverty.
In the coming months, I experienced firsthand how incorporating the concepts and skills into the ministry helped individuals and families break free from poverty and find hope for a better future. In the coming years, I pursued additional training from Bridges and experienced amazing results in the lives of the students. I knew God had led me to this training to equip me to lead a faith-based ministry that could truly help individuals and families break the chains of poverty,
For Christians who serve persons seeking to overcome the obstacles caused by poverty, this is the most comprehensive and useful guide available for helping ministries and churches understand and reach out to people in poverty. Packed with relevant resources and eye-opening insights, this one-of-a-kind volume supports your heart, mind, and spirit in your efforts to live your calling.
Bridges offers proven, practical, and innovative concepts which can be integrated into any program you are currently offering your students (participants). Applying these will increase motivation in your students and assist them to find hope and a path for a better future.