Who are we?
Who are we?
We are WMU. We are Women on Mission. We are an outreach to African American and ethnic women. We are an expression of Women on Mission in African American churches. We were established by National WMU in 1999 for the purpose of helping women grow spiritually towards a missions lifestyle through service and discipleship
Why Sisters Who Care?
Why Sisters Who Care?
Tennessee SWC seeks to motivate African American and ethnic women to join with other sisters (WOM/WMU) in serving Christ and fulfilling the Great Commission. SWC, like WMU, seeks to enhance the lives of individual and engage them in missions work for kingdom advancement and making disciples. We remain committed to the principles and the goals of WMU that inspire and equip women to influence the world for Christ.
We strive to be an instrument/bridge to racial reconciliation in our churches, our communities, and our world through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us, for the glory of God.
Learn More & Join Us
Learn More & Join Us
For more information about Sisters Who Care, contact Cynthia Brown at swc55037@gmail.com or text 423-5937800